
The new committee structure is designed to facilitate the work of the Michigan Sheep Producers Association (MSPA). It is focused on the necessary tasks for a strong organization with a high level of member engagement.

  • Committees will work independently and report their work at each board meeting.
  • The committee chair will be responsible for coordinating the work of the committee and reporting to the board.
  • The executive director will assist in setting up Zoom as needed for committee meetings.
  • It is the goal to have a mix of board members and MSPA members on each committee.

Standing committees and their duties:

Chair: John Schut

  • Made up of the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. (in bylaws)
  • Serve as an advisor for the Executive Director
  • Handle personnel matters and conduct the yearly evaluation and future employment recommendation of the Executive Director (in bylaws)
  • The executive committee shall only make decisions when empowered by the entire board.
  • The executive committee will work in collaboration and provide support to committees as needed.

Shepherds Weekend
Chair: Samantha Bos

  • Coordinate the planning and implementation of Shepherds Weekend in concert with the Executive Director.
  • Develop and recommend a budget for Shepherds Weekend with the goal to make Shepherds Weekend consistently revenue positive for MSPA.
  • Identify MSPA members who could be considered for award recognition.
    • Recommend candidate/candidates to the board for award selection.
    • Determine an appropriate budget and award mementos recommendations.
    • Coordinate the Commercial, Purebred, Club Lamb Producer awards the Service to the Industry Award presentations, and any follow-up presentations by winners.

Chair: Emma Barnum

  • Coordinate the planning and implementation of the youth component of Shepherds Weekend.
  • Coordinate the scholarship program.
  • Organize and promote fundraising auctions or alternative events.
  • Collaborate with other sheep-related youth activities held in the state.
  • Work with the membership committee to recruit more youth members.
  • Determine and recommend a budget for youth activities for the year.

Member Services and Education
Chair: Jason Scramlin

  • Develop membership recruitment and membership retention goals, strategies, materials, and programs.
  • Identify needs and wants of membership with emphasis on the various industry segments: (small flocks, commercial, purebred, wool, club lamb, feedlot, processors, shearers, and others) 
  • Identify and develop outreach activities to promote MSPA and the Michigan sheep industry, such as Ag Day at the Capitol, shearing demonstrations, manned displays at various events like the Michigan Vet Conference, etc.  
  • Develop educational programs other than Shepherds Weekend, such as summer picnic, field day(s), online programs, etc.
  • Facilitate the use of MSPA banners and ASI promotional materials.
  • Develop and recommend a budget for Member Services and Education 

Chair: April Zeilinger

  • Work with the Executive Director and Newsletter Editor in developing a yearly plan for communication strategies, methods, and content for the newsletter, website, and social media.
  • Develop and recommend a budget for communication activities, including but not limited to newsletter editor compensation, ad fees, and payment policies.  

Chair: Pat Schloss

  • Work with the Treasurer and Executive Director to develop the annual budget.
  • Review financial records.
  • Develop revenue generation goals and strategies.

Chairs: Jason Alberda & Dave Meeuwse

  • Work with the Finance committee to develop revenue from the Sale 
  • Plan and execute an online sale for MSPA members 
  • Promote the sale and encourage member consignments 

Young, New & Beginning Producers
Chairs: David Scales & Nate Scovill

  • Engage young and beginning MSPA members ages 18-35
  • Plan and execute the Friday Young Producers Event at Michigan Shepherds Weekend
  • Develop and plan other young producer activities throughout the year