Auction Report: United Producers 12/14/20
Click “Current MARKET REPORT (3)” to view the United Producers Auction Report for 12/14/20.
Click “Current MARKET REPORT (3)” to view the United Producers Auction Report for 12/14/20.
Click “Current MARKET REPORT (2) ” to view the United Producers Auction Report for 12/7/20.
Are you interested in learning how to improve birth management of your herd or flock?
The MSU Small Ruminant Extension team is offering a 4-part webinar series on birth
management that will lead you through a host of topics aimed to improve birth
management of sheep and goats. Each weekly session will last approximately 90 min and
sessions will be recorded to allow future viewing.
Each session will feature seminars, specialized instructional videos and question and
answer sessions with an expert panel to cover each of these topics (live sessions are 7-
8:30 pm each Tuesday evening):
✓ Jan 12: “Nutritional management to optimize birth outcomes in sheep and goats.”
✓ Jan 19: “Optimizing maternal and newborn health: parasite control, vaccination
schedules, treating complications at birth, providing a healthy environment.”
✓ Jan 26: “The normal birth process, birth assistance and newborn care.”
✓ Feb 2: “Identifying challenges on your farm and creating an improvement plan
addressing health management, nutrition and facility improvements.”
Instructors: Richard Ehrhardt Ph.D., Senior Extension Specialist; Mike Metzger M.S.,
extension educator; and Erin Recktenwald Ph.D., extension and research associate.
Participants will learn preventative approaches, assessment skills, and treatment
procedures. Both novice and veteran producers alike will find this program valuable.
Because of the amount and depth of information presented, students have found
attending this program more than once to be valuable.
Registration: $40/farm or family and includes a 40+ page manual, a laminated lamb
hypothermia/starvation treatment poster and access to all recorded sessions (additional
members of the same farm/ family may receive additional manuals and posters for $20
per set). Contact Carla McLachlan for more details (phone: 517-432-5402; email:
Online registration only for this event and it may be completed at: Choose the MSU Extension tab. Those that
register before Jan 1, 2021 will receive the manual and poster before the sessions begin.
Those that register later will receive these items also but likely not before the beginning
of the first session.
Click “Current MARKET REPORT 11 30 20″ to view the United Producers Auction Report for 11/30/20.